martial law in paris

January 12, 2022

I’ve been trying to get to Paris for the last few years and I finally made it to the city this past weekend. I had to make a change in my travel planning. Instead of going to the airport and spending the entire day waiting to be escorted to my hotel, I decided to go to the Louvre.

In a city like Paris, there are so many things that can happen during lockdown, so I feel like the easiest way to describe what I saw is to say that I saw lots and lots of martial law.

The Louvre is an important museum in Paris, and many of the exhibits there are related to the history of the city. During the height of the French Revolution, the Louvre was filled with a collection of priceless art that was smuggled out of the country. Because of this, it was confiscated by the French government and then the museum was completely shut down. Luckily, the French government was so paranoid that they never tried to restore the museum.

As a result, the only place you can visit to see art in Paris is outside the city. Of course, that means you won’t see many paintings in the Louvre, but the location does make them feel like a little bit more “in the city.

I mean, maybe just visiting the Louvre is a little bit more important because the museum was shut down, but at least the Louvre has some art that you can see in paris just like the museums in the US. I mean, the paintings I have seen in the US are pretty bad, but at least you can see them. You can’t see this in Paris, though, because the museum is completely shut down.

When the city was under martial law, the Louvre and all other museums were closed. The museum in the Louvre is fully open now, but the rest of the Louvre is completely shut down. Not only is the location of the museum a bit random, but because the museum was shut down, the Louvre has been closed for maintenance. So you need to go to the nearest museum to find out what’s going on.

I’m not just saying this because its a bit random. But the government has taken over all the museums in Paris and are attempting to shut down all non-essential businesses. Of course, while you’re waiting, you can peek at the museum’s closed doors and figure out if you can find the best place to buy a book.

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