
law of attrition

October 8, 2021

But what if we could keep a handle on our actions? This concept of law of attrition is what I would call a “self-aware” approach to our lives. It’s a way to constantly monitor and control what we’re doing, and when we’re doing it, what our thoughts are, and how we feel about that action.

We can either have a self-aware approach to our lives, or we can have a not-so-self-aware approach to our lives. The idea is that, if we don’t recognize ourselves in our actions, then we can’t be aware of them when they make us feel bad. We can’t be aware of the negative feelings we’re having about a decision we made. We can’t be aware of the feeling of guilt we’re feeling about the decision we made.

The problem with this approach is that it leads to a paradox called the law of attrition. It states that, because we can’t be aware of our actions, we can’t be aware of our thoughts. It also states that, because we can’t be aware of our thoughts, we can’t be aware of our feelings, which is why we feel bad about our actions.

The law of attrition is a principle that says that a person who is aware of his or her thoughts, but not of his or her feelings, is more culpable than a person who is aware of his or her thoughts, but not aware of his or her feelings. As a result, the person who makes a decision that is based on either his or her thoughts or feelings takes a bigger hit than the person who made the decision based on his or her feelings or thoughts.

The main reason we don’t take these decisions is because we don’t know how much attention we are paying to these decisions. We don’t even know how many people we’re paying attention to in the first place.

In our research we found that in most cases, the actions of a person who is not aware of his or her thoughts are based on his or her thoughts. But when people are actually aware of their thoughts, they take a bigger hit than the person who made the decision based on his or her feelings or thoughts.

One of our findings was that when people were aware of their thoughts and feelings they were less likely to take action based on them and more likely to take action based on their feelings. Because when people knew what they wanted, they were more likely to be motivated to take action. Of course, this is only true when there is a clear reason to do so, so it’s not true for people who just want something for no reason.

But also, the person who actually did it, was more likely to be motivated to do it again based on their feelings, and less likely to be motivated based on their feelings. Because those feelings were more likely to influence their actions. Of course, this study also shows that the person who actually did the action was more likely to do it again based on their thoughts about it.

This is why when people don’t like something, they tend to want to “do something” about it. “Do something” is actually a very strong motivator for people to either avoid something or to pursue it. They can’t avoid it. They can’t ignore it. They can’t stop it. They’ve got to do something. They are motivated to do something.

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