a corporation is an artificial person created by law.

May 3, 2021

And so a corporation is more like a person who can’t see the difference between your business and yours.

We’ve all heard the story of “The Man Who Sold The World” and the “Man Who Lost His Wife” and “The Man Who Grew Up To Be A Lawyer” but I think it’s time to include the story of the corporation.

A corporation is basically a business model for a given industry. Like The Man Who Sold The World, a corporation has a goal. The goal is to maximize profit over time, often making decisions that benefit the business owner, his/her family, and/or the people they work for. The corporation, although legal, can be very destructive and can have a negative impact on society. Corporations can be very large, and the people at the top can be very powerful.

Corporations can exist in many different forms. Some of them are the legal entities that create the products and services we use every day. Some of them are in the form of a company that owns other companies, like the giant retailer, Walmart. Companies can also be in the form of a charity, such as a foundation. Corporations can be social organizations, such as charities, social organizations, or even political organizations.

In the case of the retailer, Walmart, it’s often thought of as a person, not a company. What’s interesting is that Walmart is a large corporation and a corporation creates many other corporations. It’s true that Walmart is a corporation that exists as a legal entity. But it’s also true that if you were to take Walmart’s name and apply it to a separate corporation that actually owns the retailer, then the corporation would be Walmart’s legal successor. This is why Walmart is a corporation.

Walmart is a company, but a corporation is a legal entity. It’s a legal entity that exists as the legal vehicle for the activities that make it a corporation. A corporation can exist as a legal entity, but if it’s no longer the legal vehicle for the activities that made it a corporation we no longer call it Walmart. A corporation is not a person, but it is a legal entity that can be used like a regular person to perform legal business activities.

Corporations make corporations, corporations make law, and the law creates the law that creates corporations. They don’t create the law that creates corporations.

Corporations are artificial persons that follow the law and follow the corporation laws. The law is law is law is law is law.

Corporations are a legal entity that can do lots of things, but what they cannot do is create law. So it is illegal to call Walmart corporation, but not illegal to call a Walmart corporation president. There are plenty of ways to get corporations to obey the law, but you can’t make corporations. Corporations are created by the law, laws are made by the law, and law is made by the law.

The corporate world is based on the law.

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business · Industry · Law

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