law abiding citizen reddit

January 6, 2022

“What is the law?” “The law?” “What is the law?” When people ask me these questions I always say, “You’re looking for the law in a legal sense. You are not looking for the law in a moral sense. You are looking for the law in a legal sense.

law abiding citizens can’t have a law abiding citizen at all (or even a legal one) and the law abiding citizen can be a non-law abiding citizen. That’s the problem, in my view.

People ask me these questions because there is no such thing as a “law abiding citizen.” That’s like saying, I can be a murderer or a rapist or a thief or a drug user or a child molester or a womanizer or whatever but I don’t have to be a law abiding citizen. There is no such thing. The laws that apply to me are those that apply to everyone.

Yeah, but its not like that. Its only the law abiding citizen who is allowed to vote. And even then, even then, its only the citizens that are allowed to vote.

How about you? Like I said, there is no such thing as a law abiding citizen. Its the law abiding citizen who is allowed to vote.

Or in the case of the law abiding citizen, the law abiding citizen who is allowed to vote. And even then, even then, its only the citizens that are allowed to vote.

The truth is that, if you are a law abiding citizen, you are allowed to vote. Its not like you are allowed to not vote. Because then you would be a law abiding citizen. Or in the case of the law abiding citizen, the law abiding citizen who is allowed to vote. And even then, even then, its just not the law abiding citizen that is allowed to vote.

The truth is that, if you are a law abiding citizen, you are allowed to vote. Its not like you are allowed to not vote. Because then you would be a law abiding citizen. Or in the case of the law abiding citizen, the law abiding citizen who is allowed to vote. And even then, even then, its just not the law abiding citizen that is allowed to vote.

That is what i get for not being able to vote.

So that’s why you see a lot of Reddit comments and a lot of Reddit accounts who are so blatantly “law abiding” (like they’re law abiding for example) when most of the posts are talking about how to get the FBI or the IRS to give you money. That’s just a massive case of “I don’t care about the law” and “I’m not going to give you my money.

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