
is the law of attraction satanic

November 12, 2021

As this article suggests, the law of attraction doesn’t have to be satanic to be effective. It just has to be intentional. The same principle applies here.

In The Secret, the law of attraction is a “force” that attracts and attracts people. It’s a law of nature and it is what keeps us all together. It’s what keeps us all in one place. It’s what keeps us all in our own little bubbles. It’s what keeps us all happy. Yet this is exactly what the law of attraction says it can’t do.

Its an illusion. It’s like we can’t change anything. We can only be what we are. We can only change ourselves. But we can’t change the laws of nature. We can only change ourselves.

A common theory is that the laws of nature can only be changed by humans. If it ever happened, we would be all alone in our world. We would be living in a world of free-form creatures. We would be living in a world of pure-minded men. We would be living in a world of animals. We would be living in a world of God. We would be living in a world of angels.

A common theory is that the laws of nature are a form of natural selection. We can’t be the only creatures on Earth. We can only be sentient beings.

Sure we could be the only people in the world, but we’d be a relatively rare and isolated lot. The laws of nature would be extremely difficult to change. We’d be forced to think and be responsible for how we live, and this could be a big problem because it would mean we’d have to change how we got around, too, which would be a big problem for us.

Now, the idea that we are the only living creatures on Earth is true. We certainly are the only sentient beings, though it is a rather unfortunate circumstance, because we’re not alone. There are billions (if not trillions) of other creatures on this planet that are equally as smart, capable, and capable of learning and evolving.

The problem with this is it means we cannot even make sure others are not doing the same thing as us. We are on a planet with different laws to the rest of the universe, where we all have to do what we feel is right, where we have to live according to our own moral codes. We cannot be responsible for how we live because we humans are not the only living creatures on Earth.

If we don’t feel the need to live in this world, we’ll never be able to live in it.

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