what are the units of k in the following rate law

November 22, 2021

Rate law is sometimes called the “law of the largest positive integer.” The law states that the rate of growth of a business is the largest positive integer that divides the growth rate of the business’s assets into two parts.

In the rate law, the term ‘one’ is sometimes shortened to ‘two.’ The term ‘two’ is sometimes shortened to ‘three,’ because when two things are equal, they all have the same rate. The term ‘three’ is sometimes shortened to ‘four.

This one is a bit of a problem. Most rate laws contain the word “the” a lot. Since the words “a” and “the” are used for both positive and negative values, there is the potential for confusion. I think that the answer to this is to use only the positive words in a rate law.

I really like the title of this one. It’s a bit of a koan, but I think it’s worth a shot. The unit of k in a rate law is the kilo. A kilo is a unit of weight. It’s also a unit of weight in that it can be written as a decimal place, so it’s always exactly the same. A kilo is a unit of mass.

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business · Law

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