buster’s law

December 12, 2021

A guy named Buster Lee was a reporter for the New York Times. He wrote a book about how many things that happen every day are predictable. He was kind enough to share some of his secrets with me.

For starters, a lot of the same things that happen every day are predictable. If you go shopping, you walk into the store, line up, and get your groceries. You buy the clothes you wanted to wear, the same thing happens all around the store.

When I went to the store my friend made me a box for him and it was a box for him. I didn’t know if it would fit in there. He called me and said, “This will be fine. The box will fit me.” Well, I said, “I’ll get it.” He’s such an asshole, you could say he’s just a man. It’s a mistake.

The buster’s law principle is that if you go shopping and you don’t get home until 1o o clock, you will probably end up having to pay more money. One of the best examples (I swear I read it somewhere) is the time I had to pay for my mother’s groceries. She had to wait 15 minutes for the cashier to come, which is not something I would have done if I knew I had to pay $20 to get my groceries.

This is why I try to avoid shopping in general, because it is one of those things that seems to be pretty much unavoidable. If you do go shopping, you have no choice but to pay the full price. And that’s what makes it so frustrating. Sometimes you might have to pay for a product that you would have bought anyway, but still, you have to pay. I know this because we all did this in college.

It is also why I don’t like shopping on Saturday, because I like to get all of my groceries first thing on Monday morning. This is one of those things that seems to be pretty much unavoidable. If you do go shopping, you have to pay for it. And thats what makes it so frustrating. Sometimes you might have to pay for a product that you would have bought anyway, but still, you have to pay. I know this because we all did this in college.

This is why I like to pay cash when I shop. I don’t have to worry about it. I’ll know what I’m paying for, what I’m getting, and if there’s an extra charge that I dont like, I’ll just go ahead and just not pay it.

This is a problem that affects many people. Buying things from a store that you don’t know is a pain because the checkout person can only tell you what item you are paying for, and you have to guess which one you are paying for. This is particularly true at the cash register. At my local grocery store, we have a checker who only knows which items to put in the bag and which to toss in the bag.

For example, if I need a bag that holds a bunch of different things (cheese, crackers, etc), I have to buy a bag with everything in it. I know what it is I am paying for though. A lot of us have to do this too, whether we are buying a big item at a store or just picking up something off someone else.

The same holds true in business and finance. The fact that you have to buy stuff in a bunch of different kinds of bags means that there is some level of risk. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the stuff you buy. Buying more than needed means you can’t use it, and if you are not paying attention to the stuff you buy, you can be stuck with it if a supplier does not pay enough.

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business · Family Law · Law

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